Thursday, January 15, 2015

How Do You Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

Sure, any smart aleck will tell you to get into the sack with your partner if you want to get pregnant. The problem is that some couples wait months, even years before they conceive, if at all. If you keep seeing a negative result on a pregnancy test, and there is nothing physically wrong with you, there are many ways to increase your chances of conception naturally.

Learn From Your Body

Your own body can tell you when your chances of getting pregnant are highest during your monthly cycles. A lot of women report a heightened sense of smell at the time of ovulation and increased libido.
Moreover, you will also notice cervical discharge that is thin in consistency and sticky in nature. If you maintain a basal body temperature chart, you will see a rise in temperature just prior to ovulation.
Follow these hints and perform frequent intercourse at or around ovulation to maximize your chances of getting pregnant.
Try different positions during lovemaking, and make sure to lie down in bed for
about 15 minutes afterward.

Lifestyle Improvements

One great way to improve your chances of conception (in the absence of any fertility aid) is regular physical activity. Moderate exercise like yoga, swimming or jogging helps in the maintenance of normal body weight and metabolism.
Moreover, it also helps in relieving stress and increases oxygen delivery to different tissues in the body, including your reproductive organs.
Other lifestyle modifications include:
  • Living a low-stress lifestyle by practicing meditation, certain hobbies like gardening and living a green lifestyle. This is because stress disturbs the conversion of reproductive hormones like progesterone into stress hormones like cortisol that alters blood biochemistry.
  • Certain habits like consumption of alcohol, cigarette smoking and illicit drugs hamper your reproductive processes. Nicotine, in particular, damages cell walls and causes problems in menstruation in women, and increased impotence in men.

Getting Pregnant

Physical activity is very important for fertility, but avoid vigorous exercise or work-out sessions when you are planning to conceive.

Healthy Nutrition

Nutrition is the most important aspect that determines your fertility, since your body requires essential vitamins and minerals to synthesize different enzymes that enhance reproductive functions within the body.
Healthy nutrition refers not only to what you eat, but how much. Both over-eating and starvation are equally bad for reproductive health.
To further increase your chances of getting pregnant:
  • Increase the consumption of fresh fruits and organic vegetables that are rich in natural vitamins, minerals and fiber content.
  • Consume grass-fed meat and free-range poultry products that are free from artificial hormones and chemicals.
  • Limit meat consumption to about 2-3 servings per week, as excessive animal proteins disrupts healthy ovulation.
  • Replace animal protein with vegetable-based protein, such as beans and legumes.
  • Increase full-fat dairy products like hormone-free milk and ice cream.
Avoid soy, foods with trans fats, processed foods, and sugary beverages.

Nutritional Supplements:

A lot of fertility experts and healthcare providers have agreed that the average Western diet is deficient in some micro-nutrients that may affect the ability to conceive babies. That's why you should take some nutritional supplements to enhance reproductive capability. Consult your doctor on what type of supplements and vitamins to take. Any supplement should at least contain folic acid, which is vital for a baby's development.

Also focus on dietary sources of natural minerals and micro-nutrients like zinc and magnesium. These are found in broccoli, olives, peaches, spinach, lentils, beets and beans.
All these tips will definitely help you in improving your chances of getting pregnant. Make sure to stay in touch with your primary care physician for any further advice or help.

Article Source: Christian J Milleri
Image Source : William James

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