Monday, January 12, 2015

Mom-To-Be Tips: How to Look and Feel Good During Your Pregnancy

For most mom-to-be, physical and emotional changes that come with pregnancy could be like a little time bomb. The crazy cravings for food, the extra weight on your body and the emotional toll it puts on you could be unbearable. For many women, pregnancy is an excuse to let go of their looks.

Yes, pregnancy could be tough. But despite all these challenges, you could still look fabulous. With proper tips and advice, you could take care of your body better than many first time mothers out there and be in comfort and at ease with your pregnancy.
If you are an expectant mom, here are some tips to help keep your body in prime
pre-natal condition.

Keep In Shape

Just because you are pregnant does not mean you should just lie on the coach, eat pretzels and watch Seinfeld reruns every day. In the past, most doctors will tell you to take it easy and not to exercise during pregnancy, especially if you are over 35. But more and more doctors now believe that light exercise throughout your pregnancy period is actually good for you and your baby.

The only time when you should not exercise is when you have some form of medical problem or complication during pregnancy. The more you exercise, the easier will it be for you to maintain your ideal weight after you deliver.

If you are afraid of tackling cardio-workouts in the gym, go for a brisk walk in the morning or evening. Or if you love water, try the swimming pools. If the idea of swimming sounds tiring, just dangle your feet in the water. Such exercise helps strengthen your lower leg muscles -- an important part of your body which will come into play during your labor.
But whatever you do, avoid extremely hot water or Jacuzzi. They can both be dangerous for you and your baby.

How to Look and Feel Good During Your Pregnancy

Wear Appropriately

When we talk about what to wear during pregnancy, most women would focus a lot on their dresses. But many forget that the most important outfit they need to focus on are their shoes - the only thing that helps support them, their babies and that extra weight on their bodies.

While you could get away with wearing high heels in the early months of your pregnancy, you will eventually learn that the heels will become the major source of pain when your weight starts to build up.
Make sure you spend time choosing the right shoes just like you choose your maternity dresses. Low, solid heels with thick cushions are normally more comfortable than flat shoes. And while you are at it, buy a pair so that you could rotate them and give your shoes a deserved break once in a while.

Eat Healthy

Yes, you probably get this advice often - especially from older women in your family. But remember, when you are pregnant, you no longer eat for yourself. What you put into your body will go to you and also your baby.

Most doctors will advise that you eat foods that are low fat, low salt and rich in folic acids. Heed them.
It is also a very good idea to stop smoking or consume alcohol during the term of your pregnancy. If you are taking drugs for your medication or for recreational purpose it is also advisable that you consult your doctor and see if there are safer alternatives to what you are taking. Be wary of all medications.
Remember, when people say you should eat healthy, it covers everything that you put into your mouth. It should not just be limited to your choice of food.

Pregnancy can be a joyful experience, and it could also be a painful one - depending on how you tackle it. Modern mothers need not be fearful or be troubled with being pregnant. Unlike the days of our grandmothers, there are ample books, magazines, expert doctors, specialized programs and apps to help make your pregnancy a joyful experience.

Pregnancy should be beautiful - after all, you are bringing a life to the world. Nikki Dalton describe this perfectly when she said, "... feeling fat last nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever."

Article Source: Lela Iskandar
Image Source : Sylvain Latouche

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